YES C+C Project activities are addressed to two different target groups: adult learners and mentors

Mentors are trainers who will support learners in their training paths. For that purpose, they will be trained about the training methodology in a mobility action that will take place in Murcia (Spain).
Local Action Groups
At the beginning of the project, each project partner will create a Local Action Group with the participation of the main regional and local stakeholders dealing with the project aim. These groups might include policy makers, universities, educational centres, business support organisations, culture associations and local networks of artists, for example.
They will be kept informed about the project’s implementation and will support project partners in providing inputs. They will be also direct connectors to project’s target groups.
Finally, they will incorporate part of the Project’s Intellectual Outputs in their professional activities, therefore serving as dissemination vectors of the project’s results among their contacts and networks.

Intellectual Output 1 – Assessment and profiling Toolkit.
Creation of a Toolkit that mentors will use to better know the training needs of learners and to set up their individual training paths.
Mentors will analysis participants’ profiles and design personalized and customized training strategies including goals to be achieved and expected results, monitoring, responsible person and personalized and customized path, agreed with the participant.
Intellectual Output 2 – Digital modular curriculum – Learning materials.
Activity 1. Development of online training materials.
- Development of the materials for each one of the training modules, which are:
- Module 1: Introduction to culture and creative sector.
- Module 2: Digitalization and technology innovations.
- Module 3: Green your cultural and creative project.
- Module 4: Cultural and creative entrepreneurship.
- Module 5: Cross-Sectional Parameters of the Creative Project.
- Module 6: Financing a creative and cultural project.
- Module 7: Construction of a Creative Project as a Brand.
- Module 8: The social value of a creative project.
Activity 2. Training the trainers – Mentors Guidelines.
- Production of the ‘Mentors’ Guidelines’.
- Mobility action consisting in the meeting of five trainers from each region to discuss the final methodological approach of the Guidelines and prepare the local piloting actions with adult learners.
Intellectual Output 3 – Online training Platform.
- Development of an online platform to implement the training with adult learners.
Implementation of piloting actions at local level to test the learning curriculum. It will address a group of at least 25 adult learners in each country.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.