PROJECT’S Partners
The Fundación Mediterráneo is a non-profit organization located in the regions of Valencia and Murcia (Spain), well-known for its social and cultural activities. The Fundación Mediterráneo promotes cultural heritage and the development and support of creativity and cultural innovation and possesses a long experience in participating in creativity and socio-cultural projects with direct access to adult learners who need training and support in Murcia and Alicante.
José María Pallarés Sans
Alicante (Spain)
Materahub is an aggregator of people and business, a “space” where they meet, encourage the creation of new job opportunities and the promotion of sustainable development through a process of coaching, training and business development. Materahub is specialized in the cultural and creative field and possessed an extensive experience in projects’ development.
Matera (Italy)
Germana Girelli
Germana Girelli
Materahub is an aggregator of people and business, a “space” where they meet, encourage the creation of new job opportunities and the promotion of sustainable development through a process of coaching, training and business development. Materahub is specialized in the cultural and creative field and possessed an extensive experience in projects’ development.
Matera (Italy)
The Citizen Centre Bennohaus, Arbeitskreis Ostviertel Association (AKO) is a socio-cultural, cultural and educational, media pedagogical, multidisciplinary and cross-generational, open meeting place and a district community centre. It is a home for teaching media literacy and the qualification of citizens with skills of all kind. With its offers it appeals to citizens of all ages, beliefs and social classes, especially children, youths, seniors and migrants, and inter alia concentrates on media work and education.
Arndt Selders
Münster (Germany)
The Center for Knowledge Management (CKM) is a research and educational center (think and do-thank) established in 2008. CKM works in the areas of entrepreneurship, technology and education, and is specialized and experiences in digital tools applied to training using new technology.
Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia)
Frosina Gjurevska
Marija Zelenkovska
The Center for Knowledge Management (CKM) is a research and educational center (think and do-thank) established in 2008. CKM works in the areas of entrepreneurship, technology and education, and is specialized and experiences in digital tools applied to training using new technology.
Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia)
Conversas Associação Internacional (CAI) was created in 2013 in Lisbon and aims at social intervention, cooperation and education for human and social development in the areas of prevention, treatment, social inclusion of social issues, research, publications, training and cultural events.
Helder Luiz Santos
Lisboa (Portugal)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.